Pratham Drip

Pratham works with its customers to identify and make available Environmentally Responsible, Economically Feasible and Superior Quality Drip Irrigation Systems. Our products are engineered for demanding weather / geographical conditions and varying water sources and quality. you can always trust us to provide the perfect solution for your needs.

It is Company’s ultimate mission. The Company is shortly going in for ISO 9000 certification. All raw materials used and finished products are tested as per BIS.

Our Mission and Vision

Our vision and mission is to provide high quality equipments and services to our customers.

Our Quality

Our commitment to quality is unflinching, our hunger for growth is deep-rooted and our capacity for details is amazing. Over the decades, we have demonstrated a rare resilience and fortitude. The Group is determined to improve productivity and focus continuously on innovation and up-gradation of its products and people.

Our Values

The delivery of exceptional service is driven by our values

  • Integrity: "Honesty, Trust, openness, fairness, and ethics in everything we do."

  • Excellence: "Continuous improvement of our people and systems to deliver quality performance."

  • Achievement: "Taking pride and responsibility for attaining personal and professional goals."

  • Recognition: "Giving and receiving appreciation for one's contribution."

  • Team Spirit: "Belief in the power of one team, one heart."

  • Contribution to Society: "Save Water, save the planet

Our Valueable Clients